After carrying out audience research people said they liek the second and the thir idea the most. People said that what was missing from the third, was some sort of prominent feautre, such as the birck wall or face. So i have re edited the third version twice, with these features in. I like all three ideas a lot as i feel they all have an impact on the audience. The first, could be slightly creepy, but i do like the way the character is completely animated. The second is good as I feel it suits the indie feel my target audience may like. And the third is goo as it has all the detail from the original. Below are my 3 final ideas for my poster. i have also put a poll that people can vote on to tell me which one to use.
Poster 1. Simple with brick back ground. |
Poster 2. Simple with face detai. |
Poster 3. All details. |
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