Tuesday 6 December 2011

Billing Block

I am currently making my billing block for my film poster. The billing block is a vital part of  a film poster. It is at the bottom of the poster and shoes the audience all the main people involve in the film,although very small and discrete, it is still vital that a film poster has one. I found an example of a billing block online that I could base mine on. In this billing block it uses a particular font so I searched online on dafonts.com for a suitable font. I found a font called Tall Films which looks right. On the billing block the production companies are listed as well as the actors and directors , etc., the names are in a larger font, whereas the connective words are in a smaller font. At the bottom there is a website address and also a logo for the production company. Below is the example I looked at. 


My billing block will have less names on, but I have put fictional producers and writers names on it too make it look more realistic. Due to it being low budget it will not have as many names on it anyway. I have used my production logo at the bottom right and also put a fictional website address on the poster.
My billing block

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