Thursday 8 December 2011

First draft of poster

I have completed the first draft of my movie poster. I completed it using photoshop elements which I am not very familiar with but i have managed to get the hang of a bit now.

Although finishing my idea for my poster their is somethings I do not like so am going to re design some of it.

  • I like the font a lot, but feel it does not match the style of the photo
  • The photo does not have the impact that I want for my poster to have, but, I do like the pose
  • The photo is slightly pixelated
  • I feel that the bad quality of the photo along with the brick wall in the background is too stereotypical of a low budget film. The brick wall background is slightly over sued in my opinion.
  • Due to color the billion block is not very visible
To fix my issues with the poster i do have some ideas. I am going to try putting some effects on the photo to make more of an impact, and to also make ti match the font a bit more. 

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