Thursday 1 December 2011

More Editing

I have now finished editing about half of my film. I have edited the last half completely, and will now start from the beginning before joining the two parts together. I am slowly running out of filler shots to use so their is the possibility of having to re shoot some scenes but even if ti do this will not be a lot of work, as it will about 30 seconds of footage needed.
Layers of my editing
In the editing today I carried on with what i was doing from last time, but i am find the amount of layers I have created quite hard to handle. Due to timings, it is easier to create layers, rather than trying to fit everything in perfectly, if I want something to come in at the right point, rather than trimming it I just put it on another layer. When editing the other half, I may try and do this less, as it is hard top keep organized with that many layers.

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