Friday 6 January 2012

Editing. Still.

I am currently finishing the editing of my film. Their is a section where I want to use the same effect as earlier, where my character appears more than once on the screen. This section also involves some dialogue, where Micro force is pointing out different alarms in his house. Unfortunately, the section is not long enough to fit this dialogue in, as my actor moved around to much in the shot, and for the effect to work it is important they stay in roughly the same place. Because of this i have cut two lines of my dialogue, but the alarms are still pointed out my the voice over, and the section with the effect is the image whilst the voice over is talking.

When making the effect, i did have some trouble as the camera is not completely steady, so a line is visible where the two shots over lap. To sort this out I have tried to put the line between shots in the darkest place in the frame, therefore they are not as noticeable. And the shot is very short, so the audience should not notice.

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