Wednesday 5 October 2011

Audience Research

I have carried out audience research to try and help me aid my ideas and explore my idea more fully. I wrote a questionaire focusing on the theme of super heros and the genre. I sent the questionaire to 10 members oa comic book and super her ofan forums that i found whilst researching on the internet. The questions invovle some that will help me make full decisions and some that allow the interveiwees to give me their vewis on my idea.

The first question focuses on the super hero powers that the charcter would have. As well as choosing things that would be entertaaining, I also chose powers that I felt would be excesibly displayed using the avaiulabvle tecniques that I have on final cut express (the eiditng programme I will be using).
The awnsers to this question were quite evenly spread. With no selcetion having a significantly larger popularity. After this reuslt, I decided that I could than use various different powers- therfore alowing me to display more skills when producing my short film.

The second question focused on the name of my super hero. I felt asking thsi was important, as involving the audience here will create more of a brand. Which is important in this genre, and a catchy name for a character is veyr important. The vote was completly unanimouse, and everyone selected the Micro Force option.

The next three questions, 3, 4 and 5, were all questions that were specific. Helping me to fine tune certain details. And also to make sure that my idea would be popular, otherwise I would have to re think a lot. To questiuon 3, I gained a mixture of awnsers.  But some expalined there awsners more fully in the last questions. People made comments that although the 'exclusive' content of the documentary would be maximised my showing the identity. In a super hero film, keeping the secret identity is always of the most importance, therefore I should do this, to keep straiught to the trends of this genre. Questiuon 4 was asked, as I did not want comic book fans to feel that my idea was making fun of them in any way. As I my self am a comic book fan, I actually want my audience to be comic book fans. Luckily the awnsers were all yes's on this question.  In awnser to question 5 I had mostly unanimous responses. With the 1 person saying no, not giving a reason to their awnser.

To questuion 6 I recieved lots of very helpful ideas:
  1. Involving a side kick section
  2. Involving a Fan club section
  3. Involving a interveiw with the childs parent/s
  4. A side story on how he gained his powers
I found all these ideas very helpful, and although I have not finishes the planning of the stroy compeltly. I will defintly use one if not more i these ideas in my short film.

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