Thursday 6 October 2011


I have almost finished the script writing process. I am using an online script writing programme named This programme allows me to create an easily excessable script with the correct layout and format. As well as being able to add directions and transitions.

I have also started the story boreding process. This process at first was quite difficult as the style I am doing does not allow for as much planning, as I need to see what kind of footage I get whilst interviewing my character. Also because of the age of my actor, a lot of improvisation will be used, as he ill not be able to follow insrtuctions as well as a more mature student would.

Whilst story boreding I decdied to use a lot of establishment shots. In documentarys a lot of shots of the town the documentary is in are used between sections. or just ambient shots of streets or fields. These shots are useful as they create a fluid editing process. I have decided on two very high angle shots of bury st edmunds ( the town my super hero lives). I have found two appropriate high up location that i could take these from. As well as shots of streets, and just general hustle and bustle. Also because I am using the fact that it is a small town to dramatise how famous he is. I will do shots of rural settings that surround the town.

example of some documentary tecniques
One more thing I have started thinking about is costume. Do to my character being a super hero. I want to have very bold costume with Micro Forces Logo on his outfit. I have bought different small colour samples and am working with a friend who studies art to develop an idea and than with the help of a textiles student will be making my costume.

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