Friday 14 October 2011

Interesting article and TV programme

An article on the BBC news website has told the public about a pepper spray attacking america. The attack was done by a man called Benjamin Foder who goes by the name of Phoenix Jones. The man is a real life super hero who although going to court to be charge has voweled that he will carry on fighting crime. This article links to a program that I found the other day named 'Superheroes in suburbia'. It is a documentary tat follows different 'super heros' who fight crime in their towns. Although being normal people, they all take there job very seriously. These two pieces of media are both about people who are not actually super heros, which is different too mine. But the documentary pacifically, links to the tone that o want to have. the comedy used is very effective, they have dry comedy, not obvious slapstick. Both these pieces of media also helped with my character development I found that way all the characters took them self very seriously, So this is something I want to try with my character.

Link to article:

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