Friday 14 October 2011

Choosing Actors

Micro Force
For my main character I needed a 3 year old white male. I wanted a child that was 'cute' but could also give the impression of being moody, to give a comic element to my character. The actor would also need to be close to where I am shooting or easily available. This could of been difficult as when shooting with children i would need their parent their, which my be difficult to arrange round there schedule as well as mine.
The actor I choose because of this problem is my little brother, Malachi O' Neill Gallagher. When developing my idea I had him in mind, as I feel he fits the look of the role well. Because he is my brother, this means I can have responsibility of him, and therefore i will not need a parent to be there. Him being  a relative is also helpful because this means I know him well. And therefore know what he can do, and will be able to improvise sections with him. Being a child, it will not be as straight forward as to give him a script, as he will not be able to read or learn his lines.  But by prompting him, and in some ways turning the super hero element into  game for him, I should end up with funny, and authentic footage. 
photo of mally

Voice Over
For my voice over, which is a large portion of my film, I wanted a female, with a classic documentary style voice. Their voice needed to be clear and well pronounced, but I was also looking for a certain style. I wanted a classic voice, a sort of 'BBC style' voice. As I feel this serious voice could add comedy to my film. The voice I choose is that of Hayley Murrow. Hayley is a student at my school. Hayley is currently studying Theatre studies at A level, so she has a lot of experience in acting. She is able to put on a range of voices well, and after doing a sound test of her reading my opening section, i think she suits the role very well.

Sally (Head of the Micro force fan club)
Sally is the head of Micro Forces fan club. She needs to be a geeky girl, who is very enthusiastic about the club. She also needs to be someone who takes her role very seriously. Although using Hayley Murrow my voice over role. i also decided to use her for this. Although I was at first worried that this may not work as the voices will be to similar. I feel that her voice for Sally's character is different enough so the audience will not notice.  She is a very good actress. particularly at comedy roles. And when reading over Sally's lines she caught the tone perfectly. She was also very good at following direction when I asked her to do different things.
photo of hayley

As well as these roles there is a small role of being the interviewer. The interviewer is not seen but his voice is heard off set. In true documentary form, I will be taking this role, as I will say my lines whilst filming (I will be off set asking the questions). The other small roles are the rest of the fan club. They are only in one shot, and have one unison line. For this I am casting several people from the a level theater class at my school. I will ask them to dress in a  slightly nerdy way, to fit the role. These people will not have to come to location. This is because They are in an establishment shot from outside the fan club building. the rest of Sally will be inside, but these buildings do not actually need to be the same. 

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