Monday 10 October 2011

Currently Story boreding

I unfortunatly decided to re start my story bored. As 1/4 of the way through i decided that i was not going in the direction i wanted it too. As I have now restarted story boreding I am feeling a lot better about my idea. I am finding story boreding hard due to the long duration shots and my lack of drawing ability. The long shots I have whilst the voice over is being read make the anamatic look very boring and static, but i will have too look past this and use the aamatic too my advantage as much as I can. I have bee researching my genre more closely lately. One popular prgramme I found that linked to my genre was Misfts. And E4 super hero, comedy, drama that is very popular weith veiwers. Although a TV series. The E4 website has recently released a 10 minute short film to promote the new series via their website. This short film was useful to me as the purpose of the short film was intorducing the charcters new power to the audiece. As I am intrducing a brand new super hero to my auidoience in such a short space of time this was very helpful. The comedy aspect of the show ios also similar. Rather dry and british humour, rather than a more american style of comedy. 

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