Wednesday 7 September 2011

Textual Analysis: Post-it love

Narrative Context:
Post-it love is a 3 minute short film that follows the flirting of two office workers. The film starts where the two catch a glimpse of each other in the photo copying room. They than start to leave the other small pictures made of post it notes to prove there affection. The film ends with the female preparing to make big post-it picture for the male, but walks out to the lobby where the man has made a hugely impressive post-it portrait of the pair together.

The male and female characters are not delved into a lot by the film makers, due to the lack of dialogue. But the audience do find the characters both very endearing. both characters are quite shy, and this suits the very subtle and sweet nature of the film. The characters are both wearing office style clothing. But both also fitting a style that suits the film- slightly quirky, with bold pastel colors.

The location is an office. The office seems very calm. At the start there is a photo on the wall of the office, the photo is of a tower block. This photo is well placed, as it gives the reader the impression that the tower block is in fact where the film is set. At the start the audience see a photocopying room. the room is basically symmetrical, with the girl on one side, and the boy on the other, the symmetrical room is effective here as it makes an obvious bond between the male and female. The film is set in several locations in the office- hallway, toilet, supply cuboared. the small areas that the characters are inj are effective, such as the supply cuboared. They add to the sweet coy feeling of the film. When the female is leaving the supply room with lots of post-its there is a sign on the wall saying 'Can you please make sure the stationary you take is solely for work purposes. Thank you' This adds comical value to the film.

At the start of the film there is a birds eye shot looking over the girl as she is using a photo copyer. The camera than moves across the room, staying in the birdseye postiton to reveal the male using a photo copyer. This is effective as it shows the similarities of the characters just byu there actions, and the camera form a sort of flirtation between them before the action has even begun. There is than a long shot, showing both characters from behind using the photo copyers. This shot is very simple, and suits the style of the film. the next two scenes start similarly, they are both shots of an empty office desk. Than one of the characters walks in and sits down, in the first the man, and in the second a woman. I found that the way that both scenes start similarly is effective. And they way the camera keeps a similar distance and frame for both is effective. At the end when the woman discovers the huge art the man has made for her. The camera is tracking the woman from in front, so she is walking towards it. When she stops walking, the camera zoomz out a lot. This shows the magnitude of what she has seen, before the audience actually see it.  When the woman goes into the supply room and see's another post-it art work, there is a close up of her eyes. This shows the reaction again- before the audienc see's the art.

There is no dialoige in this film. But I feel this aids the awkward flirting, as it makes the whole film more endearing. There is musicn throughout the film. The music sounds like marching music, manly played on brass instruments. This is really effective with keeping a steady pase throughout. It also suits the way the characters move and act. At one point when the female walks into her office, the musicm changes slightly, becomeing more light, and high pitched, this changes to show the sweet nature of the woman. The diegetic sound, such as the photocopyer at the start is very effective in setting the scene. Those noises, very much linked with everyday office work, emphasise how this romance is happening in such an average place.

i feel, that through the overall styling of the film, as well as the music, this film fits in a genre of awkward films. Not overally emoional, or funny. This film fits in a niche that is beocming very popular, the awkward comedy.

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