Tuesday 13 September 2011

Mockumentary style

On the wikipedia page for mockumentary it says 'A mockumentary (a portmanteau of the words mock & documentary), is a type of film or television show in which fictitious events are presented in documentary format.'

The type of mockumentary I will be doing is a sort of  'cinéma vérité', meaning a documentary that follows a eprson through certain events.

One of the earliest examples of a mockumentary style film is the 'Swiss spaggheti harvest', a news report that panorama brodcastest on april fools day in 1957. The news report fooled audeicnes that sphaetti grew on trees, after the broadcast the BBC received hundreds of calls, some asking where they could buy a spaghetti tree.
One example of a mokcumentary is Brass Eye- Cake. A TV show from channel 4. The Tv show was a mockumentary about a new fictional drug named Cake. The mockumentary, like most, are displayed a s a comedy. The comedy aspectis important as to make something funny, i want to make sure Iget the humour right. Normally mockumentary have a more dry style of humor, presented in The Office and Brass Eye which fits the older audience that I would like to aim my short film towards.

Mockumentary's also normally have a voice over (the interveiwer), for this I could use my own voice or I could audition several different voices to find a voice that suits the style. Finding the right voice is important, as it needs to fit the style and audioence of the film.

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