Friday 16 September 2011

Final Idea

My final idea is to make a mockumentary.

The Mockumentay will focus on a 3 year old super hero who has become an international sensation after someone filmed him stopping crime and posted it on youtube.

The purpose of the documentary is an exclusive inside look into this super hero's life, something that would be in demand, as my audience would be very exited to see what my characters life was like.

The Mocumentary will be half interview based, and have other footage. The other footage will include the original youtube clip which was the reason for hsi rise to fame, clips of him in his house and 'base'.

The main character is a child vigilante, similar to Hit Girl in Kick Ass. But the differences are that this character will be portrayed as non fiction character, and that this character also has actual super powers rather than just fighting skills.

One of the reason for this idea is that i feel doping a documentary style film, and due to the super hero content. This will allow me to explore a lot of new techniques whilst editing.

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