Friday 18 November 2011

Editing: Next Part

The editing stage I have reached is the start of the special effects I want to use to show Micro Force's powers. His main, power, making clones of him self, is something that i am using editing techniques. This has taken me through a few different stages:

the 4 different layers

  1. Taking 3 different shots of my character, keeping the camera still so the frame is the same, the character needs to be in 3 different places in the shot
  2. When editing, I put there different shots in the same place on the time line, on three different track layers
  3. When this is done, I must crop the second two shots, so the first is the longest shape and son on.
  4. When cropped I than change the timings, So each shot becomes cropped one at a time.
  5. This was successfully done, and I felt that it looked good.
  6. One problem I am having is due to the shots being outside, their is a slight change ij light, so on on of the changes, their is a slight line visible where you can see that their is more than one shot in place.
  7. To solve this problem, I added a new track and in this track i added a blur to the small section where the line is visible. 

the effects menu
 a still of the edited section

Thursday 10 November 2011


As I have started the editing process, I am now finding my self wit a lot of problems. The biggest problem is due to sound. I am having to re record some vocal sections with the camera rather than the microphone on the mac, as from the mac the sound quality is too different. With these clips I than delete the image, and save the sound clips, naming them a name that means I know what is what. This process is very lengthy, and repetitive. This has showed me that during the editing process, before I can even start edition. I need to organize everything I have got, it is very hard to edit when I have so many different voice clips that have no name, and trying to cut all of them down is proving impossible. So in a way I have taken a step back and started the editing process all again.

Another thing I realized is that I nay need to film some more footage of Micro Force. At the moment there is not quite enough footage for me to fill up the voice over sections.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Filming Day

I have now completed the second day of my filming. I filmd all scenes that included my little brothe,r and also some location shots for filling up time whilst editing. The filming all together went very well, and my actors were all very helpful and topok direction well. One thing I found whilt filming is that rather of taking lots of shots, I would just keep the camera tolling form a long time and in that time my actor would play thr part. i found this easier due to the age of my actor, this was an easier way to get eevrything out of I wanted, Otherwise it would of been easy to miss some good improvised actions that he created.